“Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested [a] from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” – Genesis 2: 1-3
Sundays has been created to solely enjoy God’s fellowship. It is the best day of the week wherein we can relax and commune with our Creator. I love every minute I’m with friends and family every church service but I adore more to be in the presence of my Lord and King.
It was different back then. I used to make a whole lot of reasons not to go to church. It can be a toothache for today, headache by next week and an important project to finish with Monday as a deadline. I was still in early high school when I did that. It ran along a 5 years stint from time to time.
To become mature in Christ means to mature in our views of things. From being a wayward kid during
Sundays, I have disciplined myself to be in church every Sunday, regardless if I’ll be ministering or not.
The creation account in Genesis gives us a peak view of why Sundays or Sabbath days are important. It is not just to relax and fellowship with other believers but also a time to be thankful of. It is a duty every created thing must do.
God saw everything He created and was pleased by it! And then He relaxed.
Some people may think they shouldn’t be forced to go to church if they don’t want to. But if you believe that God created every little thing in this earth, don’t you think He owns it and must submit to His Lordship? If God rested on the 7th day, don’t you think you should also relax also?
The bible shares that all creation is made of Him, for Him and through Him and He asks only one day, just one day, to celebrate that. 6 days He has given to work and provide for ourselves, the 7th should be a time to seek Him – the one gave us everything that we may live.
Let us not be greedy of our time for Him. He holds time and for sure, will give us ample time to do things. Let us be reminded to set-aside Sundays as a day to worship Him, fellowship with Him and celebrate His goodness in our lives. Because we might not have enough time to do that if we are too old to say “yes” to the Lord.
Have a Happy Sunday Everyone!
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