The Blog Idea
My desire is not to be preachy or even become a clanging cymbal to the many articles about how to know God intimately. My aim is to share my own experience as a person, as a believer, as a sheep of the Shepherd. May you enjoy the things I’ll share but much more, learn and hopefully, bring impact to your life as well? (Cross-Fingers!)
Posted on 11/05/2009 02:26:00 PM

Being Successful, God's Way

Filed Under () By Vir Antonio at 11/05/2009 02:26:00 PM

"Do not let  this Book of th Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written on it. Then You will be prosperous and successful" - Joshua 1:8 (NIV)

I miss having daily quiet times.

Being in the corporate world drags you to become lazy in having spiritual activities that boosts your life to do better. My life seems to be a routine of sleep, eat and work wherein I fail to pray most of the time, much more read God's word.

The advice from Joshua 1:8 reminds me to seek His word, spend time once again to study it and learn insights on how life can be better with God's word as a guide.

I like the last part wherein it says "...then you will prosper and successful...." it puts you in the right perspective that meditating with God's word doesn't make you dumb and a slacker, it will make you "big time"!

Christians, especially working Christians, fail to spend quality time with the Lord because they want to achieve their goals. Let us change all that, seeking God first is the basic step in being successful, let us remember that God owns the world, and He promotes and demotes anyone he likes.